Coming to a Decision - Making the Yacht "Stanley Centric"
While I am hesitant to use the term "Stanley Centric," it is indeed a suitable term for what Kiwi Spirit now needs to become single...
Critical Week Ahead
Over the next seven days I shall have extensive meetings with the sail maker, designer, builder and others to determine the best course...
Kiwi Spirit Arrives in Cape Town.
It was a rough entry to Cape Town, as a gale blew from the south east and winds were consistent at some 35-40 miles per hour. There was...
Safe and Sound in Cape Town
As I write this blog, I am less than a day out of Cape Town after a total of 50 days at sea. It’s bright and sunny, and I have favorable...
Restart in November - a Real Possibility
It has been asked by quite a few, "shall I restart?" As to it being from Cape Town where I am now headed, the answer is a clear and...
The Fears We Don’t Give Thought To
It’s now clear to me that there are times in life where we defensively deny giving thought to our innermost fears. Such is the situation...
Circumnavigation Abandoned - Heading to Cape Town
The President of the boat designers at Farr Yacht Design, after seeing the photos of the failures and repairs, as well as his recognizing...
Energy Management - So Far, So Good
The reader may recall that one of the records I am after is to be the first to complete a circumnavigation without the use of any...
Tristian, Nightingale and Inaccessible Island Coming Up
Now in the deep-south Atlantic, I need to be aware that there are some islands. Among which are the ones mentioned in the title of this...
After 30 days - Morgan and Paris Neck and Neck
Yes, it’s been 30 days since I left Bermuda and five more since I left St. Augustine. In the last week I have not seen a ship, and have...