One Quarter of the Way!!
It’s all in the way you do the math but it is now 37 days since I set sail out of St. Augustine. Multiply 37 by 4 and you get 148 days...
Suddenness of a Squall
I am again in the waters that did so much damage to my boat on my first attempt. Just this morning I had my cereal and reconstituted...
Strategy Unfolding
If you take into account the priority of my goals which are: Return home safely Be the oldest to have circumnavigated non-stop,...
Hello Tristan and Hello Roaring Forties of the Southern Ocean
Good to see an old friend. Yes I am passing by Tristan da Cunha again, a towering volcanic island looking very much like a nuclear power...
Twenty Days Out from Bermuda - Where is Dodge?
Twenty days and some 3,600 miles from Bermuda, I find myself still neck and neck with Dodge Morgan and his 1986 record. He did better...
Equator Crossed
Cocktail Hour Begins Early - at 4:16 local time here yesterday, I crossed the equator. This called for a small bottle of champagne to be...
Tired and Exhausted
Even with a full crew the talk is of fatigue at sea. At a minimum it’s using different muscles. Muscles work even when seated and...
And Now the Doldrums
I awoke to the slapping of sails and the jerking on sail sheets as the wind died and the ocean swells rolled the boat. I had entered the...
Suddenly a Yacht
I looked up from the pages of Manchester’s biography on Churchill titled The Last Lion to see not a hundred yards from me, another of...
Attrition and Black Boxes
On the first attempt last year the challenges I had to continuing were mainly mechanical: loss of battens from the sail, damaged staysail...